Our studio aims at immediate and efficient design of solutions for your project needs. Below is the basic information that help us create a solid foundation for the productive preparation of the Design Brief to fully describe the business solution.
Describe your company/organisation using a maximum of 100 words. Please state if you have any existing design/branding.
Please supply more information on any deadlines or timescale.
What do you want to achieve through this piece of design work? Are there any particular examples of design that you would consider a benchmark in terms of style?
Depending on the project requirements, please supply the size (for print or digital), the type and what images or logos will need to feature in this design? Images will need to be provided in digital format at high resolution by email or on disk. Alternatively, photography and/or illustrations can by produced or sourced for an extra charge.
Please supply the best contact way of communication for us to get in touch with you for design proofs or quotes.
Design Brief Form